Wild Flower Turf – Heritage Meadowmat
*Subject to season and availability
The 22 species of UK native wildflowers and grasses in Heritage Meadowmat have proved to us that they adapt well to growing in shallow, poor nutrient soils with very little human intervention.
Please Enquire for prices and availability
Please call 01872 870904 to place your order
Heritage Meadowmat was originally developed to meet the demand for a quick-to-install green roofing material with instant plant coverage. It does that job admirably and has brought biodiversity to some amazing living roofs throughout the UK. However, we rather like the way it happily brings a splash of colour to gardens – and so do the butterflies, moths and bees!
Key Points
- Most of the plant species in Heritage Meadowmat are perennial. That means that if they are happy on your roof or in your garden and will grow back year after year.
- Flowering Time: March – October (depending on local weather conditions).
- Your Heritage Meadowmat will be mown before harvest so that plants are not damaged during transportation. The flowering plants will not be blooming when it is delivered
- Depending on the time of year it can take a few weeks for Meadowmat to establish, grow and start blooming. Although Meadowmat can be installed at any time of year, if you would like it to flower in its first summer we recommend installing Heritage Meadowmat before the end of March.
- Each piece of Heritage Meadowmat covers 1 square metre. If installing on a roof you may need mechanical lifting gear to as rolls can be quite heavy.
- For rooftop applications, please install your Heritage Meadowmat on to a good green roof substrate at least 150mm deep.
- Each of the species will respond differently to soil type, local weather conditions and care regimes. In fact the balance of species changes from year to year which means that your Meadowmat will continue to fascinate you more with every season.
What is Meadowmat?
Meadowmat is a vegetation blanket consisting of a thin layer of growing medium supporting a vibrant plant population. To install Meadowmat, simply unroll onto at least 15cm depth of growing medium and keep well-watered until the roots are embedded deeply into their bed. For green roofing applications, use green roof substrate as your growing medium.
The maintenance regime for Heritage Meadowmat is simple and undemanding. Plants can be left to grow and flower unchecked between March and August. At the end of summer, use a scythe to cut the vegetation back to a height of between 10 and 15 cm (4 – 6 inches). If it is practical, leave the spent vegetation on the surface for a couple of days so that seeds can fall back into the sward. After which take it away (it makes great compost!).
There is a lot more information on installing and maintaining Heritage Meadowmat in our blog and in the knowledgebase sections of our website.
Where to Grow Heritage Meadowmat – Soil Type and Aspect
The plants in Heritage Meadowmat enjoy growing in full sun and a well-drained (but not too dry!) growing medium.
For roof applications: Please install onto at least 150mm depth of green roof substrate.
Please note: Whilst normal garden soil will support Heritage Meadowmat the nutrient levels do tend to promote extra strong growth in the grasses. The grasses are beautiful but may outcompete the flowering plants meaning that over time your Heritage Meadowmat becomes less colourful.
What’s In Heritage Meadowmat
Please note, percentages refer to the weight of the seed in the growing mix and do not necessarily reflect the proportions of mature plants.
10% mixed native grasses
- Slender Creeping Red Fescue
90% native wildflowers
- Birdsfoot trefoil
- Bladder campion
- Clustered Bellflower
- Common poppy
- Cornflower
- Daisy
- Fox and cubs
- Lady’s bedstraw
- Maiden pink
- Meadow saxifrage
- Ragged robin
- Sea campion
- Selfheal
- Sheep’s bit
- Soapwort
- Thrift
- Viper’s bugloss
- Water avens
- Wild thyme
- Yarrow
- Yellow Rattle